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A Comprehensive Guide to Moodle for HKU 2022


A Comprehensive Guide to Moodle for HKU 2022

The University of Hong Kong uses HKU Moodle, a learning management system (LMS) that is centrally controlled. You have access to strong, adaptable, and interesting online learning resources thanks to the system.

How to log into HKU moodle

  1. Go to and type in your UID.
  2. Type in your PIN.
  3. If you want to access your dashboard, click "Login."
  4. The My eLearning tab is available on your dashboard.
  5. By selecting the "Access" link in the "Moodle course" column, you can access your HKU Moodle courses.
As a student, you could appreciate the engaging Moodle online learning environment that the main Moodle system offers.

At the start of each semester, IT services automatically generate the Moodle course homepage for each course you have registered for and add you as a student to that course.

Your enrolment will be reflected on HKU Moodle with a half-day lag during the course add/drop period.

You can log in to the Moodle course via the My eLearning tab of the HKU Portal to begin engaging in your online learning activities if your teacher has uploaded course materials and made the course open for your access.

How to change your moodle profile

  1. Click on the user profile link.
  2. Select "Profile" by clicking the profile image icon in the HKU Moodle page's upper right corner.
  3. Click "Edit Profile" to change the profile's details.
  4. Under "User picture," you can submit your own profile photo (optional).
  5. To save the new data, click the "Update profile" button at the bottom of the page.

How to update the password for Mogle

  1. Enter your Moodle guest account information.
  2. Under the Settings section on the left, click "Change password."
  3. Entering "Current password," "New password," and "New password (again)" will allow you to change the password. At the bottom of the page, please click "Save Changes."


How do I go to the HKU Moodle?

On Moodle, PDF files cannot be viewed on an iPad. The PDF file can only display its first page; you cannot scroll to the following page. It is advised that you download the file on your personal computer before moving it to your iPad.

Does Moodle HKU experience downtime every day?

Moodle typically does daily data maintenance at 2:15am for 2 minutes. Users can run into login or access issues. Users are advised to refrain from accessing Moodle during this time.

Where can I create a guest account to log in?

To access the Moodle platform, visitors must have the following information: Please visit Use your Guest username and password to log in.

The box adjacent to the activity item serves what purpose?

Only users may check off the square box next to each activity to indicate their progression through the Moodle course. If you want to manually check the box after reading the item, you can.

Who can access my Moodle blog?

Your blog postings are accessible to all HKU Moodle users on Moodle. DON'T use the blog function to post any private or sensitive information.