FTNA Results 2022/2023 - Matokeo Form Two 2022/2023 by NECTA
FTNA Results 2022/2023
- FTNA Results 2022 -Form Two National Assessment Result 2022-22 will be announced in the month of January. Requesting all of you to like our Facebook or other social pages to get updates on Matokeo form two 2022/2022. You can also get an email alert whenever the Form Two National Assessment Result 2022-2023 date will be announced. Stay connected with us for more updates and news on FTNA by NECTA Tanzania.
- The main objective of Form Two National Assessment exam is to improve academic performance in schools. An FTNA private candidate shall be eligible to register and sit for CSEE within a period of ten years from the time he passed FTNA
Form Two Results 2022 Grades:-
The quantification for grade ranges at FTNA results shall be as follows:-
- (a) 75 – 100 = A – indicating excellent
- (b) 60 – 74 = B+ – indicating very good
- (c) 50 – 59 = B – indicating food
- (d) 40 – 49 = C – indicating average
- (e) 30 – 39 = D – indicating satisfactory
- (f) 20 – 29 = E – indicating unsatisfactory
- (g) 0 – 19 = F – indicating fail
The weight for each grade shall be A= 5, B+ = 4, B=3, C = 2, D = 1, E = 0.5 and F = 0Grades A,
- B+, B and C shall be regarded as credit while D shall be regarded as the lowest pass.
Grades E and F shall not be considered in calculating GPA
NECTA FTNA Subjects:
- National Examination Council Of Tanzania (NECTA) allows students to select the following subjects FTNA : Form Two National Assessment
- English Language, Basic Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Engineering Science, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Theatre Arts, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Food and Nutrition, Physical Education, Technical Drawing, Additional Mathematics, Textiles and Dressmaking, Fine Art, Civics, Geography, History, Kiswahili, Commerce, Bible Knowledge, Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu, Book- Keeping, Music, Arabic Language, Chinese Language, Information and Computer, Studies, French Language.